Reminders to Harbour Place Residents
Carry Your Keys:
Carry your keys at all times when you leave the building. Occasionally, the concierge may be absent from the front desk. If that occurs, the building doors will be locked for building security. For that reason, residents should carry their keys with them at all times when they leave the building. The doors are locked after sunset. If friends, health care workers, delivery persons, etc. cannot gain access to the lobby, they must call the resident they are here to see and the resident must go to the door to let them in.
Trash Reminders:
Revised notices have been posted in all trash/recycle rooms. Please pay close attention to what may and may not go into the trash chute, recycle bags and plastic totes.
- Trash bags that are too large for the trash chute should be carried to the first floor trash/recycle room and placed in the dumpster marked "Trash."
- All boxes larger than a cereal box should be carried to the first floor trash/recycle room and placed in the area for boxes.
- All pizza boxes should be carried to the trash/recycle room and placed in the dumpster marked "Trash."
Place in the clear recycling bag ONLY the following:
- RINSED glass bottles, jars, plastic bottles and cans.
- Clean, flattened/broken down boxes (cereal-sized boxes and smaller)
Place in the blue bins ONLY the following:
- Newspapers
- Office paper
- Mail
- Magazines
- Paper grocery bags
Concierge Duties:
Our concierge staff has clear guidelines for their responsibilities. Occasionally, they are asked by residents to do things that they are not permitted to do. For example, a concierge may not go to a resident's unit to assist him/her with a personal matter, such as getting up from a fall. Residents who have fallen or are otherwise incapacitated should call 911. The concierge will see that the responders are directed to the correct unit. Also, our concierges are not allowed to make "wake-up calls" or other personal calls for residents, such as calling for cabs, etc.
Residents are required to park in their designated parking spaces. Guest parking spaces in front of the building are for non-resident visitors only. All contractors and home healthcare workers must park in the designated parking spaces on the side of the building or on the street in designated parking spaces. Long-term parking decals can be obtained from the city for street parking that will last more than a few hours. You can visit this website for more information: We have one GUEST HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE to the right of the front door. That space is specifically for guest handicapped visitors, not for residents' use.
Bicycle Room:
We have a common bicycle storage room located to the left of the upper garage exit door. Your lobby front door key unlocks that door. The bicycle room is located at the end of the row of storage cages. Residents may store their bicycles in that room. Using a lock on your bike is your choice. Please note that HPCA is not responsible for anything in that room. All bicycles should be clearly marked with the unit# and owner name. Unidentified bicycles or bicycles that have become derelict are subject to removal by management.
Contractor Rules:
Contractors are not permitted to work at Harbour Place on weekends unless the work is to address an in-unit emergency. Otherwise, they are limited to weekdays between 8 am and 5 pm. Contractors who arrive at Harbour Place to do work on the weekends will be directed by the concierge to leave. During the week, please let your contractor know to check in with the concierge so that the protective pads can be installed prior to the contractors bringing in any tools, material, etc..
Fire Alarms:
We have a two-phase fire alarm system. One system monitors only the individual condo units and the other monitors the common areas (hallways, lobby, etc.). If an alarm is triggered within a condo, only the resident of that unit and the concierge on duty will be notified. If an alarm is triggered in the common areas, the entire building, including each resident will be alerted.
The most common alarm is usually caused by an overcooked piece of toast, pizza, etc. Once this happens, the concierge will respond to the alarm by calling the resident of that condo unit to make sure everything is fine. Once it has been determined that there is no further action required, the concierge will deactivate the alarm and reset the system.
On very rare occasions, the common area alarm system is triggered. When you hear the alarm, quickly walk to and down the nearest staircase. When in doubt, get out. Once you reach the lobby, walk towards the city sidewalk on Brooke Avenue. The Norfolk Fire Department is very quick to respond. They are often here before many residents reach the lobby. They quickly discern what tripped the alarm and notify residents when they may return to their unit. Residents should NOT linger in their home or hallway. The elevators are deactivated when an alarm is triggered.